Process: 11
Step #4
Preparing the Lenses:
The number on the tab on the lenses
indicates the power (or “strength”) of the
lenses. It is a good idea to keep the tab
with the finished glasses so that you know
what power they are (or else mark them
with the labels provided).
Start by putting the lenses in the cutout
in the jig. If you are right handed, the tab
goes to the right. Hold the lenses down
with the left hand and use the saw slot to
the right to cut off the tab. If you are left
handed do the exact opposite.
Rotate the lenses 90 degrees. Then line
up the cut edge of the lenses parallel to
the mark on the jig.
Use the center slot to cut the lenses in half.
Shape the lenses by sanding the corners
until they are round. Round all three sharp
corners on both halves.
Then round and smooth the sharp edges
and remove the saw marks with the
scraper tool. Make sure that the portions
of the lenses that touch the nose are very
smooth for the comfort of the wearer
(and for looks).
Place the cut side (top) of the lenses
down against the jig with the side against
the metal plate. Then hold the round file
against the lens and the metal plate and
file a mark on the lenses. Do this on both
edges of both lenses (this indicates the
approximate position where to put the
notches to hold the lenses in the frames).
If you are left handed, you can use the
other end of the metal plate to mark the
Hold the frame in your left hand with the
front facing to the right. (Note: The
widest part of the lenses goes toward the
nosepiece.) Line up the marks on the
edges of the lenses with the bottom of the
bend in the wire that holds them. The top
edges of the lenses should be even with
the top of the frame wire. If not, make a
new mark as needed to move the lens up
or down. In the example shown, the notch
needs to be filed a little lower than the
mark in order to raise the lens to the top
of the frame wire (on the right edge of the
To file the notch, place the lenses with
the concave sides against the front of the
jig, with the notch mark just a little above
the jig, and file the notch a little at a time,
checking it on the frame until you are sure
that the notch is in the right place. Then
file the notch as deep as one half of the
diameter of the file.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15