About Us

Several years ago while doing volunteer work at Jungle Aviation And Radio Service (JAARS), I was introduced to and had lunch with a gentleman by the name of Eugene Koning and his wife Gerda. Mr. Koning is a retired optometrist and a volunteer worker at JAARS. God has given to Eugene a vision to fabricate inexpensive reading glasses for the poor in developing countries. He worked on this project for several years but could not get the bugs worked out. He showed me a pair of glasses he had made. They looked pretty good to me. I wanted to bring them back home and show them to the local Wycliffe Associations chapter. He didn’t want to sell them and he didn’t offer to give them to me, so I offered him an ice cream bar for them. We made the trade.

I showed the glasses to Don Warren, one of our EE missionaries, he thought that it is a great idea. He said that every time he went on a mission trip he ended up giving away his reading glasses because of the need. The following summer, Mr. Warren told of doing a skit for Kid’s EE. He told the Pastor, “here put on these glasses so you will look the part”. The Pastor put on the glasses and said “I can read! For the first time in over 10 years I can see to read my Bible”. So then Mr. Warren asked me, when I go back to JAARS to talk to Mr. Koning could I see if he would help him to get a glasses project started in Haiti.

We went on to Ohio to help my brother repair my mother’s house. While there my brother introduced me to the Prayer of Jabez. During our morning devotional we prayed that prayer.

And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. – KJV 1 Chronicles 4:10

When we arrived at JAARS we asked Mr. Koning if he would help Don start a glasses project. He said that he would, but he didn’t seem to enthusiastic about it. He gave me the latest pair of glasses he had made and showed me changes he had made, some of which he was having problems with. He also showed me the jig he was using, which was rather heavy and complicated to use.

I brought the glasses home and showed them at the next Wycliffe Associates Meeting. During the meeting while showing the glasses to the group, I accidentally dropped them and both lenses fell out. I was very embarrassed. When I got home I began to pray about the design and the need for a simpler jig. The Lord answered that prayer and gave us a new design. I sent Mr. Koning the new glasses and a video of the new process. He was elated with the new design. We set up a booth at the Wycliffe International Conference and trained several nationals and missionaries during the conference.

The non-profit Glasses for Missions Corporation was formed in June of 2002. God has already used GFMI to set up workstations in over 47 countries; including the Philippines, Haiti, India, Bolivia, Chili and in Africa with plans for many more around the world. What a joy to see God working and enabling many to read their Bible again.

One of the Wycliffe translators reported to us that 40 percent of the nationals that apply for literacy class have to be turned away because they cannot see well enough to learn to read. We hope to help change that situation.

GMFI needs prayer warriors, trainers and financial supporters to share the joys and the blessings of this ministry. Please contact us with any questions or comments that you have.

-Dale Rozell, President

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